Q&A with Kyle Reid, Glenvale FC (2004s)

We recently had a chat with Kyle Reid, coach of amateur football team Glenvale FC (2004s) based in Paisley, Scotland.  Kyle is a great friend of WCAT members Stacey Corrigan and her son, Daniel and the team have been huge supporters of WCAT since 2018, choosing us as their charity to sponsor.  Thanks to Kyle for chatting to us,  it was lovely to hear what Wouldn’t Change A Thing means to him and the team.  

How did you get involved with WCAT? 

I took over at Glenvale FC (2004s) in July 2017. Straight away I decided I wanted to help the boys grow into men and guide them to help others along the way.  In early 2018 we decided that we would encourage the boys to go a little further, do a little extra to help others…and after careful consideration, we chose WCAT as our chosen charity to sponsor!

Have your perceptions of Down Syndrome changed since meeting Daniel? 

Daniel was the first person I had ever interacted with who had Down Syndrome.  I wouldn’t say my perceptions have changed, however the respect and care I have for anyone with Down Syndrome has certainly become more apparent to me.

What does WCAT mean to you? 

WCAT has a special place in my heart, it’s a charity that do incredible work to change the world’s perception of Down Syndrome. I will support WCAT in any way I can for the rest of my life.

Do you think the team’s perceptions of Down Syndrome have changed? 

I think teenagers can be naive, through no fault of their own, merely due to maturity levels.  The care and compassion the boys showed towards all persons involved in WCAT was heartwarming, they took pride in being part of the journey.

The team have taken WCAT into their hearts, what impact has that had on the boys as individuals?

Individually, each boy gave their all when supporting WCAT. I hope they have learned that no matter who you are or what you do, you should be made to feel included 100% of the time…that was our main aim!!

Thanks to Kyle and all at Glenvale FC (2004s) for your support!