What we Do
Attitude Changing Media Projects
In a continuation of the success of our first two viral video projects – “50 Mums” and “Three Lions World Cup Song” – which have amassed views in the hundreds of millions, featured on national television and were newsworthy in over 30 countries, we strive to continue to develop similar initiatives going forward. The common link with these projects is that they seek to engage a mainstream audience in a way that challenges and shifts their negative perceptions of individuals with Down syndrome.
Positive Stories for New Parents
A particular group in need of a balanced perspective on life with Down syndrome today are those who have recently received a diagnosis for their child – pre or post-natally. Medical professionals often provide their information in the form of medical statistics and “risks” which only presents the “cons” of life with a child with Down syndrome. Yet over 93 percent of families report being happier for having the condition in their lives. The “pros” are much more difficult to capture as a bunch of bullet points. We seek to capture them for new parents in the form of parent stories that they can read, enjoy and be inspired to understand the positive experience that life with Down syndrome can be.
Learning Disability Inclusion Talks for Organisations
We have presented our positive, inspiring and informative message to groups from a range of organisations to help them to understand what the reality of Down syndrome is in current day and how it can benefit them or their organisation. We have presented to conferences for medical professionals, local authority employers and more to accelerate their understanding up to present day.
Blogs and Articles for Print and online Media
We are all parents of children with Down syndrome who together can have a voice to influence mainstream opinion. We often do this by publishing written articles via popular blog sites and the national press. All of our pieces are also published on this website.
Media Appearances
We can provide speakers to be advocates for the Down syndrome community for debates or discussions on television or radio in relation to life with Down syndrome from a parent’s perspective.
The #WCAT Story
It all started with a little video, created for World Down Syndrome Day 2018, that took social media by storm. The video was called 50 Mums | 50 Kids | 1 Extra Chromosome. It became one of the most popular not-for-profit viral videos of all time, racking up in excess of 500 million views to date and popularised the hashtag: #WouldntChangeAThing. It made such a positive impact on modernising mainstream perceptions of the condition that a bunch of people involved in that initial project decided to set up this organisation to continue the mission. It has now grown to include a multi-skilled, passionate group of people from all over the world. We are trying to achieve a world where negative perceptions of Down syndrome are a thing of the past. We do this by creating and promoting projects designed to directly challenge negative perceptions. Our projects are designed to be uplifting, emotive and positive; offering insights into how enjoyable life for all those associated with the condition can be. Our intent is to leave those who view our work feeling challenged and changed making them more willing to accept those with Down syndrome and to consider them as valid members of society, as schoolmates, as work colleagues or as employees.

Jacqui Hicklin

Tania Charlton

Mairi Watkins

Katie Hamilton

Jamie McCallum

Becky Carless